For non-production issues, you can get help from these resources:
report the issue to the mdbm-users mailing list
Create a Bug ticket
Provide configuration information:
Highly recommended: Attach output from This script gathers environment and MDBM information. This script has been tested only on RHEL.
- Alternatively, manually provide:
- Platform information, including version: RHEL4/5/6, FreeBSD4/6
- uname -a
- cat /etc/redhat-release for RHEL
- Output from:
- mdbm_stat -H mdbm-file
- mdbm_check mdbm-file
Provide mdbm_stat output for your mdbm (use an attachment, and do not remove any information)
In your ticket’s description provide application information:
If you have a crash, provide a gdb backtrace from backtrace full
- What kind of MDBM locking are you using?
- none
- exclusive (database-level locking)
- partition, sometimes mistakenly called “page” locking
- shared, sometimes called “read-write” locking, and new in MDBM v3
Do multiple processes have your MDBM open? If so, have you tried stopping all processes and starting them to see if the problem goes away?
- Is your application the only process/thread that has your MDBM open?
- If you have a multi-threaded application, only 1 thread may use an MDBM handle at time (i.e., a single operation context such as lock, fetch, unlock)
Is the mdbm_replace utility being used by your application? If it’s being used, and you are experiencing MDBM corruption, does the corruption result soon after an MDBM is replaced?
What MDBM operation(s) were you doing when the fault occurred? The most common ones are:
Fetch Store Delete First Next mdbm_fetch mdbm_store mdbm_delete mdbm_first mdbm_next mdbm_fetch_buf mdbm_store_r mdbm_delete_r mdbm_first_r mdbm_next_r mdbm_fetch_r mdbm_store_str mdbm_delete_str mdbm_firstkey mdbm_nextkey mdbm_fetch_dup_r mdbm_firstkey_r mdbm_nextkey_r mdbm_fetch_str
- Provide your source for the failing MDBM operation, and its parameters
- Provide your mdbm_open source and corresponding parameter values
Do you have a copy of your MDBM available for inspection?
Is your problem reproducible? If so, how easy/hard is it to reproduce?
If problem resulted in a core dump, can you provide the stack trace?