Using mv on open MDBMs is not supported
Using mv is not supported on open MDBMs because the lock files are based on an mdbm’s path at the time of open. Apps that had an mdbm and its lock files open before a mv should continue to work. However, an app that opens the post-mv mdbm will use a different set of lock files based on the new mdbm’s path. You’d have 2 sets of lock files (pre-mv and post-mv) and end up with uncoordinated access.
Using mixed mode on RHEL6 is not supported
You have to work either with all native RHEL6 packages, or use all RHEL4 packages. For native RHEL6, please use MDBM V4. For RHEL4 and 4-on-6, please use MDBM V3. To start native RHEL6 development, use a clean yroot without any RHEL4 packages (yinst restore 1 –empty restore; yinst clean -inactive -full -yes), use yinst 7.136.6217 or higher, and yinst set root.os_restriction=rhel-6.x