
Dog Finder

A multimodal prototype about a wide variety of dog breed information for the Echo Spot

Designed by Katherine Ong



How to Build

You can preview the intents, utterances, voice responses, and card assets in this spreadsheet:

images/spreadsheet_dog_a.png images/spreadsheet_dog_b.png

There are four main parts for a Skill prototype like this: intent enumeration, utterance variation design, batch response design, and card design. Designing for voice occurs in the "VUI" tab of a Spreadsheet whereas the card assets will need to be uploaded to a public storage and referenced in the "Cards" tab.

This design has 3 intents around dog matching. DogBreedsIntent, BestBreedIntent, HowManyBreeds have their respective utterance variations. Each of these intents have 1 type of voice response and 1 type of card asset response.

We tend to use Dropbox to host our cards. After you upload your card assets based on the Makeskill Templates then you can make a public shareable URL for each. Then you'll need to reference that as a raw asset:

Notice the ?raw=1 at the end of the public URL. This is a way of specifying that we want to grab a raw asset. This is crucial so that the Makeskill CLI can transform that URL into a background image as a response for a 1-turn interaction.