# Copyright 2017 Yahoo Inc.
# Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license.
# Please see LICENSE file in the project root for terms.
This module provides a high-level API to manage the TensorFlowOnSpark cluster.
There are three main phases of operation:
1. **Reservation/Startup** - reserves a port for the TensorFlow process on each executor, starts a multiprocessing.Manager to
listen for data/control messages, and then launches the Tensorflow main function on the executors.
2. **Data feeding** - *For InputMode.SPARK only*. Sends RDD data to the TensorFlow nodes via each executor's multiprocessing.Manager. PS
nodes will tie up their executors, so they won't receive any subsequent data feeding tasks.
3. **Shutdown** - sends a shutdown control message to the multiprocessing.Managers of the PS nodes and pushes end-of-feed markers into the data
queues of the worker nodes.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import nested_scopes
from __future__ import print_function
import logging
import os
import random
import signal
import sys
import threading
import time
from pyspark.streaming import DStream
from . import reservation
from . import TFManager
from . import TFSparkNode
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# status of TF background job
tf_status = {}
[docs]class TFCluster(object):
sc = None #: SparkContext
defaultFS = None #: Default FileSystem string, e.g. ``file://`` or ``hdfs://<namenode>/``
working_dir = None #: Current working directory
num_executors = None #: Number of executors in the Spark job (and therefore, the number of nodes in the TensorFlow cluster).
nodeRDD = None #: RDD representing the nodes of the cluster, i.e. ``sc.parallelize(range(num_executors), num_executors)``
cluster_id = None #: Unique ID for this cluster, used to invalidate state for new clusters.
cluster_info = None #: Cluster node reservations
cluster_meta = None #: Cluster metadata dictionary, e.g. cluster_id, defaultFS, reservation.Server address, etc.
input_mode = None #: TFCluster.InputMode for this cluster
queues = None #: *INTERNAL_USE*
server = None #: reservation.Server for this cluster
[docs] def train(self, dataRDD, num_epochs=0, feed_timeout=600, qname='input'):
"""*For InputMode.SPARK only*. Feeds Spark RDD partitions into the TensorFlow worker nodes
It is the responsibility of the TensorFlow "main" function to interpret the rows of the RDD.
Since epochs are implemented via ``RDD.union()`` and the entire RDD must generally be processed in full, it is recommended
to set ``num_epochs`` to closely match your training termination condition (e.g. steps or accuracy). See ``TFNode.DataFeed``
for more details.
:dataRDD: input data as a Spark RDD.
:num_epochs: number of times to repeat the dataset during training.
:feed_timeout: number of seconds after which data feeding times out (600 sec default)
:qname: *INTERNAL USE*.
logger.info("Feeding training data")
assert self.input_mode == InputMode.SPARK, "TFCluster.train() requires InputMode.SPARK"
assert qname in self.queues, "Unknown queue: {}".format(qname)
assert num_epochs >= 0, "num_epochs cannot be negative"
if isinstance(dataRDD, DStream):
# Spark Streaming
dataRDD.foreachRDD(lambda rdd: rdd.foreachPartition(TFSparkNode.train(self.cluster_info, self.cluster_meta, feed_timeout=feed_timeout, qname=qname)))
# Spark RDD
# if num_epochs unspecified, pick an arbitrarily "large" number for now
# TODO: calculate via dataRDD.count() / batch_size / max_steps
if num_epochs == 0:
num_epochs = 10
rdds = [dataRDD] * num_epochs
unionRDD = self.sc.union(rdds)
unionRDD.foreachPartition(TFSparkNode.train(self.cluster_info, self.cluster_meta, feed_timeout=feed_timeout, qname=qname))
[docs] def inference(self, dataRDD, feed_timeout=600, qname='input'):
"""*For InputMode.SPARK only*: Feeds Spark RDD partitions into the TensorFlow worker nodes and returns an RDD of results
It is the responsibility of the TensorFlow "main" function to interpret the rows of the RDD and provide valid data for the output RDD.
This will use the distributed TensorFlow cluster for inferencing, so the TensorFlow "main" function should be capable of inferencing.
Per Spark design, the output RDD will be lazily-executed only when a Spark action is invoked on the RDD.
:dataRDD: input data as a Spark RDD
:feed_timeout: number of seconds after which data feeding times out (600 sec default)
:qname: *INTERNAL_USE*
A Spark RDD representing the output of the TensorFlow inferencing
logger.info("Feeding inference data")
assert self.input_mode == InputMode.SPARK, "TFCluster.inference() requires InputMode.SPARK"
assert qname in self.queues, "Unknown queue: {}".format(qname)
return dataRDD.mapPartitions(TFSparkNode.inference(self.cluster_info, feed_timeout=feed_timeout, qname=qname))
[docs] def shutdown(self, ssc=None, grace_secs=0, timeout=259200):
"""Stops the distributed TensorFlow cluster.
For InputMode.SPARK, this will be executed AFTER the `TFCluster.train()` or `TFCluster.inference()` method completes.
For InputMode.TENSORFLOW, this will be executed IMMEDIATELY after `TFCluster.run()` and will wait until the TF worker nodes complete.
:ssc: *For Streaming applications only*. Spark StreamingContext
:grace_secs: Grace period to wait after all executors have completed their tasks before terminating the Spark application, e.g. to allow the chief worker to perform any final/cleanup duties like exporting or evaluating the model. Default is 0.
:timeout: Time in seconds to wait for TF cluster to complete before terminating the Spark application. This can be useful if the TF code hangs for any reason. Default is 3 days. Use -1 to disable timeout.
logger.info("Waiting for TensorFlow nodes to complete...")
# identify ps/workers
ps_list, worker_list, eval_list = [], [], []
for node in self.cluster_info:
(ps_list if node['job_name'] == 'ps' else eval_list if node['job_name'] == 'evaluator' else worker_list).append(node)
# setup execution timeout
if timeout > 0:
def timeout_handler(signum, frame):
logger.error("TensorFlow execution timed out, exiting Spark application with error status")
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, timeout_handler)
# wait for Spark Streaming termination or TF app completion for InputMode.TENSORFLOW
if ssc is not None:
# Spark Streaming
while not ssc.awaitTerminationOrTimeout(1):
if self.server.done:
logger.info("Server done, stopping StreamingContext")
ssc.stop(stopSparkContext=False, stopGraceFully=True)
elif self.input_mode == InputMode.TENSORFLOW:
# in TENSORFLOW mode, there is no "data feeding" job, only a "start" job, so we must wait for the TensorFlow workers
# to complete all tasks, while accounting for any PS tasks which run indefinitely.
count = 0
while count < 3:
st = self.sc.statusTracker()
jobs = st.getActiveJobsIds()
if len(jobs) == 0:
stages = st.getActiveStageIds()
for i in stages:
si = st.getStageInfo(i)
if si.numActiveTasks == len(ps_list) + len(eval_list):
# if we only have PS tasks left, check that we see this condition a couple times
count += 1
# shutdown queues and managers for "worker" executors.
# note: in SPARK mode, this job will immediately queue up behind the "data feeding" job.
# in TENSORFLOW mode, this will only run after all workers have finished.
workers = len(worker_list)
workerRDD = self.sc.parallelize(range(workers), workers)
workerRDD.foreachPartition(TFSparkNode.shutdown(self.cluster_info, grace_secs, self.queues))
# exit Spark application w/ err status if TF job had any errors
if 'error' in tf_status:
logger.error("Exiting Spark application with error status.")
logger.info("Shutting down cluster")
# shutdown queues and managers for "PS" executors.
# note: we have to connect/shutdown from the spark driver, because these executors are "busy" and won't accept any other tasks.
for node in ps_list + eval_list:
addr = node['addr']
authkey = node['authkey']
m = TFManager.connect(addr, authkey)
q = m.get_queue('control')
# wait for all jobs to finish
while True:
st = self.sc.statusTracker()
jobs = st.getActiveJobsIds()
if len(jobs) == 0:
# stop reservation server
[docs] def tensorboard_url(self):
"""Utility function to get the Tensorboard URL"""
for node in self.cluster_info:
if node['tb_port'] != 0:
return "http://{0}:{1}".format(node['host'], node['tb_port'])
return None
[docs]def run(sc, map_fun, tf_args, num_executors, num_ps, tensorboard=False, input_mode=InputMode.TENSORFLOW,
log_dir=None, driver_ps_nodes=False, master_node=None, reservation_timeout=600, queues=['input', 'output', 'error'],
eval_node=False, release_port=True):
"""Starts the TensorFlowOnSpark cluster and Runs the TensorFlow "main" function on the Spark executors
:sc: SparkContext
:map_fun: user-supplied TensorFlow "main" function
:tf_args: ``argparse`` args, or command-line ``ARGV``. These will be passed to the ``map_fun``.
:num_executors: number of Spark executors. This should match your Spark job's ``--num_executors``.
:num_ps: number of Spark executors which are reserved for TensorFlow PS nodes. All other executors will be used as TensorFlow worker nodes.
:tensorboard: boolean indicating if the chief worker should spawn a Tensorboard server.
:input_mode: TFCluster.InputMode
:log_dir: directory to save tensorboard event logs. If None, defaults to a fixed path on local filesystem.
:driver_ps_nodes: run the PS nodes on the driver locally instead of on the spark executors; this help maximizing computing resources (esp. GPU). You will need to set cluster_size = num_executors + num_ps
:master_node: name of the "master" or "chief" node in the cluster_template, used for `tf.estimator` applications.
:reservation_timeout: number of seconds after which cluster reservation times out (600 sec default)
:queues: *INTERNAL_USE*
:eval_node: run evaluator node for distributed Tensorflow
:release_port: automatically release reserved port prior to invoking user's map_function. If False, user's map_function must invoke ctx.release_port() prior to starting TF GRPC server.
A TFCluster object representing the started cluster.
logger.info("Reserving TFSparkNodes {0}".format("w/ TensorBoard" if tensorboard else ""))
if driver_ps_nodes and input_mode != InputMode.TENSORFLOW:
raise Exception('running PS nodes on driver locally is only supported in InputMode.TENSORFLOW')
if eval_node and input_mode != InputMode.TENSORFLOW:
raise Exception('running evaluator nodes is only supported in InputMode.TENSORFLOW')
# compute size of TF cluster and validate against number of Spark executors
num_master = 1 if master_node else 0
num_eval = 1 if eval_node else 0
num_workers = max(num_executors - num_ps - num_eval - num_master, 0)
total_nodes = num_ps + num_master + num_eval + num_workers
assert total_nodes == num_executors, "TensorFlow cluster requires {} nodes, but only {} executors available".format(total_nodes, num_executors)
assert num_master + num_workers > 0, "TensorFlow cluster requires at least one worker or master/chief node"
# create a cluster template for scheduling TF nodes onto executors
executors = list(range(num_executors))
cluster_template = {}
if num_ps > 0:
cluster_template['ps'] = executors[:num_ps]
del executors[:num_ps]
if master_node:
cluster_template[master_node] = executors[:1]
del executors[:1]
if eval_node:
cluster_template['evaluator'] = executors[:1]
del executors[:1]
if num_workers > 0:
cluster_template['worker'] = executors[:num_workers]
logger.info("cluster_template: {}".format(cluster_template))
# get default filesystem from spark
defaultFS = sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration().get("fs.defaultFS")
# strip trailing "root" slash from "file:///" to be consistent w/ "hdfs://..."
if defaultFS.startswith("file://") and len(defaultFS) > 7 and defaultFS.endswith("/"):
defaultFS = defaultFS[:-1]
# get current working dir of spark launch
working_dir = os.getcwd()
# start a server to listen for reservations and broadcast cluster_spec
server = reservation.Server(num_executors)
server_addr = server.start()
# start TF nodes on all executors
logger.info("Starting TensorFlow on executors")
cluster_meta = {
'id': random.getrandbits(64),
'cluster_template': cluster_template,
'num_executors': num_executors,
'default_fs': defaultFS,
'working_dir': working_dir,
'server_addr': server_addr,
'release_port': release_port
if driver_ps_nodes:
nodeRDD = sc.parallelize(range(num_ps, num_executors), num_executors - num_ps)
nodeRDD = sc.parallelize(range(num_executors), num_executors)
if driver_ps_nodes:
def _start_ps(node_index):
logger.info("starting ps node locally %d" % node_index)
background=(input_mode == InputMode.SPARK))([node_index])
for i in cluster_template['ps']:
ps_thread = threading.Thread(target=lambda: _start_ps(i))
ps_thread.daemon = True
# start TF on a background thread (on Spark driver) to allow for feeding job
def _start(status):
background=(input_mode == InputMode.SPARK)))
except Exception as e:
logger.error("Exception in TF background thread: {}".format(e))
status['error'] = str(e)
t = threading.Thread(target=_start, args=(tf_status,))
# run as daemon thread so that in spark mode main thread can exit
# if feeder spark stage fails and main thread can't do explicit shutdown
t.daemon = True
# wait for executors to register and start TFNodes before continuing
logger.info("Waiting for TFSparkNodes to start")
cluster_info = server.await_reservations(sc, tf_status, reservation_timeout)
logger.info("All TFSparkNodes started")
# print cluster_info and extract TensorBoard URL
tb_url = None
for node in cluster_info:
if node['tb_port'] != 0:
tb_url = "http://{0}:{1}".format(node['host'], node['tb_port'])
if tb_url is not None:
logger.info("TensorBoard running at: {0}".format(tb_url))
# since our "primary key" for each executor's TFManager is (host, executor_id), sanity check for duplicates
# Note: this may occur if Spark retries failed Python tasks on the same executor.
tb_nodes = set()
for node in cluster_info:
node_id = (node['host'], node['executor_id'])
if node_id in tb_nodes:
msg = '''
Duplicate cluster node id detected (host={0}, executor_id={1})
Please ensure that:
1. Number of executors >= number of TensorFlow nodes
2. Number of tasks per executors is 1
3, TFCluster.shutdown() is successfully invoked when done.
raise Exception(msg.format(node_id[0], node_id[1]))
# create TFCluster object
cluster = TFCluster()
cluster.sc = sc
cluster.meta = cluster_meta
cluster.nodeRDD = nodeRDD
cluster.cluster_info = cluster_info
cluster.cluster_meta = cluster_meta
cluster.input_mode = input_mode
cluster.queues = queues
cluster.server = server
return cluster