Source code for tensorflowonspark.TFSparkNode

# Copyright 2017 Yahoo Inc.
# Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license.
# Please see LICENSE file in the project root for terms.
"""This module provides low-level functions for managing the TensorFlowOnSpark cluster."""

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import nested_scopes
from __future__ import print_function

import json
import logging
import multiprocessing
import os
import pkg_resources
import platform
import socket
import subprocess
import sys
import uuid
import time
import traceback
from packaging import version
from threading import Thread

from . import TFManager
from . import TFNode
from . import gpu_info
from . import marker
from . import reservation
from . import util

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
  TF_VERSION = pkg_resources.get_distribution('tensorflow').version
except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound:
  TF_VERSION = pkg_resources.get_distribution('tensorflow-cpu').version

def _has_spark_resource_api():
  """Returns true if Spark 3+ resource API is available"""
  import pyspark
  return version.parse(pyspark.__version__).base_version >= version.parse("3.0.0").base_version

def _get_cluster_spec(sorted_cluster_info):
  """Given a list of node metadata sorted by executor_id, returns a tensorflow cluster_spec"""
  cluster_spec = {}
  last_executor_id = -1
  for node in sorted_cluster_info:
    if (node['executor_id'] == last_executor_id):
      raise Exception("Duplicate worker/task in cluster_info")
    last_executor_id = node['executor_id']"node: {0}".format(node))
    (njob, nhost, nport) = (node['job_name'], node['host'], node['port'])
    hosts = [] if njob not in cluster_spec else cluster_spec[njob]
    hosts.append("{0}:{1}".format(nhost, nport))
    cluster_spec[njob] = hosts
  return cluster_spec

[docs]class TFNodeContext: """Encapsulates unique metadata for a TensorFlowOnSpark node/executor and provides methods to interact with Spark and HDFS. An instance of this object will be passed to the TensorFlow "main" function via the `ctx` argument. To simply the end-user API, this class now mirrors the functions of the TFNode module. Args: :executor_id: integer identifier for this executor, per ``nodeRDD = sc.parallelize(range(num_executors), num_executors).`` :job_name: TensorFlow job name (e.g. 'ps' or 'worker') of this TF node, per cluster_spec. :task_index: integer rank per job_name, e.g. "worker:0", "worker:1", "ps:0". :cluster_spec: dictionary for constructing a tf.train.ClusterSpec. :defaultFS: string representation of default FileSystem, e.g. ``file://`` or ``hdfs://<namenode>:8020/``. :working_dir: the current working directory for local filesystems, or YARN containers. :mgr: TFManager instance for this Python worker. :tmp_socket: temporary socket used to select random port for TF GRPC server. """ def __init__(self, executor_id=0, job_name='', task_index=0, cluster_spec={}, defaultFS='file://', working_dir='.', mgr=None, tmp_socket=None): self.worker_num = executor_id # for backwards-compatibility self.executor_id = executor_id self.job_name = job_name self.task_index = task_index self.cluster_spec = cluster_spec self.num_workers = sum([len(v) for k, v in cluster_spec.items() if k == 'master' or k == 'chief' or k == 'worker']) self.defaultFS = defaultFS self.working_dir = working_dir self.mgr = mgr self.tmp_socket = tmp_socket
[docs] def absolute_path(self, path): """Convenience function to access ``TFNode.hdfs_path`` directly from this object instance.""" return TFNode.hdfs_path(self, path)
[docs] def start_cluster_server(self, num_gpus=1, rdma=False): """Convenience function to access ``TFNode.start_cluster_server`` directly from this object instance.""" return TFNode.start_cluster_server(self, num_gpus, rdma)
[docs] def export_saved_model(self, sess, export_dir, tag_set, signatures): """Convenience function to access ``TFNode.export_saved_model`` directly from this object instance.""" TFNode.export_saved_model(sess, export_dir, tag_set, signatures)
[docs] def get_data_feed(self, train_mode=True, qname_in='input', qname_out='output', input_mapping=None): """Convenience function to access ``TFNode.DataFeed`` directly from this object instance.""" return TFNode.DataFeed(self.mgr, train_mode, qname_in, qname_out, input_mapping)
[docs] def release_port(self): """Convenience function to access ``TFNode.release_assigned_port`` directly from this object instance.""" return TFNode.release_port(self)
[docs]class TFSparkNode(object): """Low-level functions used by the high-level TFCluster APIs to manage cluster state. **This class is not intended for end-users (see TFNode for end-user APIs)**. For cluster management, this wraps the per-node cluster logic as Spark RDD mapPartitions functions, where the RDD is expected to be a "nodeRDD" of the form: ``nodeRDD = sc.parallelize(range(num_executors), num_executors)``. For data feeding, this wraps the feeding logic as Spark RDD mapPartitions functions on a standard "dataRDD". This also manages a reference to the TFManager "singleton" per executor. Since Spark can spawn more than one python-worker per executor, this will reconnect to the "singleton" instance as needed. """ mgr = None #: TFManager instance cluster_id = None #: Unique ID for a given TensorFlowOnSpark cluster, used for invalidating state for new clusters.
def _get_manager(cluster_info, host, executor_id): """Returns this executor's "singleton" instance of the multiprocessing.Manager, reconnecting per python-worker if needed. Args: :cluster_info: cluster node reservations :host: host IP address :executor_id: unique id per executor (created during initial call to run()) Returns: TFManager instance for this executor/python-worker """ for node in cluster_info: if node['host'] == host and node['executor_id'] == executor_id: addr = node['addr'] authkey = node['authkey'] TFSparkNode.mgr = TFManager.connect(addr, authkey) break if TFSparkNode.mgr is None: msg = "No TFManager found on this node, please ensure that:\n" + \ "1. Spark num_executors matches TensorFlow cluster_size\n" + \ "2. Spark tasks per executor is 1\n" + \ "3. Spark dynamic allocation is disabled\n" + \ "4. There are no other root-cause exceptions on other nodes\n" raise Exception(msg)"Connected to TFSparkNode.mgr on {0}, executor={1}, state={2}".format(host, executor_id, str(TFSparkNode.mgr.get('state')))) return TFSparkNode.mgr
[docs]def run(fn, tf_args, cluster_meta, tensorboard, log_dir, queues, background): """Wraps the user-provided TensorFlow main function in a Spark mapPartitions function. Args: :fn: TensorFlow "main" function provided by the user. :tf_args: ``argparse`` args, or command line ``ARGV``. These will be passed to the ``fn``. :cluster_meta: dictionary of cluster metadata (e.g. cluster_id, reservation.Server address, etc). :tensorboard: boolean indicating if the chief worker should spawn a Tensorboard server. :log_dir: directory to save tensorboard event logs. If None, defaults to a fixed path on local filesystem. :queues: *INTERNAL_USE* :background: boolean indicating if the TensorFlow "main" function should be run in a background process. Returns: A nodeRDD.mapPartitions() function. """ def _mapfn(iter): # Note: consuming the input iterator helps Pyspark re-use this worker, for i in iter: executor_id = i def _get_gpus(cluster_spec=None): gpus = [] is_k8s = 'SPARK_EXECUTOR_POD_IP' in os.environ # handle explicitly configured tf_args.num_gpus if 'num_gpus' in tf_args: requested_gpus = tf_args.num_gpus user_requested = True else: requested_gpus = 0 user_requested = False # first, try Spark 3 resources API, returning all visible GPUs # note: num_gpus arg is only used (if supplied) to limit/truncate visible devices if _has_spark_resource_api(): from pyspark import TaskContext context = TaskContext.get() if context: resources = context.resources() if resources and 'gpu' in resources: # get all GPUs assigned by resource manager gpus = context.resources()['gpu'].addresses"Spark gpu resources: {}".format(gpus)) if user_requested: if requested_gpus < len(gpus): # override/truncate list, if explicitly configured logger.warn("Requested {} GPU(s), but {} available".format(requested_gpus, len(gpus))) gpus = gpus[:requested_gpus] else: # implicitly requested by Spark 3 requested_gpus = len(gpus) # if not in K8s pod and GPUs available, just use original allocation code (defaulting to 1 GPU if available) # Note: for K8s, there is a bug with the Nvidia device_plugin which can show GPUs for non-GPU pods that are hosted on GPU nodes if not is_k8s and gpu_info.is_gpu_available() and not gpus: # default to one GPU if not specified explicitly requested_gpus = max(1, requested_gpus) if not user_requested else requested_gpus if requested_gpus > 0: if cluster_spec: # compute my index relative to other nodes on the same host (for GPU allocation) my_addr = cluster_spec[job_name][task_index] my_host = my_addr.split(':')[0] flattened = [v for sublist in cluster_spec.values() for v in sublist] local_peers = [p for p in flattened if p.startswith(my_host)] my_index = local_peers.index(my_addr) else: my_index = 0 # try to allocate a GPU gpus = gpu_info.get_gpus(requested_gpus, my_index, format=gpu_info.AS_LIST) if user_requested and len(gpus) < requested_gpus: raise Exception("Unable to allocate {} GPU(s) from available GPUs: {}".format(requested_gpus, gpus)) gpus_to_use = ','.join(gpus) if gpus:"Requested {} GPU(s), setting CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES={}".format(requested_gpus if user_requested else len(gpus), gpus_to_use)) os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = gpus_to_use # try GPU allocation at executor startup so we can try to fail out if unsuccessful _get_gpus() # assign TF job/task based on provided cluster_spec template (or use default/null values) job_name = 'default' task_index = -1 cluster_id = cluster_meta['id'] cluster_template = cluster_meta['cluster_template'] for jobtype in cluster_template: nodes = cluster_template[jobtype] if executor_id in nodes: job_name = jobtype task_index = nodes.index(executor_id) break # get unique key (hostname, executor_id) for this executor host = util.get_ip_address() util.write_executor_id(executor_id) port = 0 # check for existing TFManagers if TFSparkNode.mgr is not None and str(TFSparkNode.mgr.get('state')) != "'stopped'": if TFSparkNode.cluster_id == cluster_id: # raise an exception to force Spark to retry this "reservation" task on another executor raise Exception("TFManager already started on {0}, executor={1}, state={2}".format(host, executor_id, str(TFSparkNode.mgr.get("state")))) else: # old state, just continue with creating new manager logger.warn("Ignoring old TFManager with cluster_id {0}, requested cluster_id {1}".format(TFSparkNode.cluster_id, cluster_id)) # start a TFManager and get a free port # use a random uuid as the authkey authkey = uuid.uuid4().bytes addr = None if job_name in ('ps', 'evaluator'): # PS nodes must be remotely accessible in order to shutdown from Spark driver. TFSparkNode.mgr = TFManager.start(authkey, ['control', 'error'], 'remote') addr = (host, TFSparkNode.mgr.address[1]) else: # worker nodes only need to be locally accessible within the executor for data feeding TFSparkNode.mgr = TFManager.start(authkey, queues) addr = TFSparkNode.mgr.address # initialize mgr state TFSparkNode.mgr.set('state', 'running') TFSparkNode.cluster_id = cluster_id # expand Hadoop classpath wildcards for JNI (Spark 2.x) if 'HADOOP_PREFIX' in os.environ: classpath = os.environ['CLASSPATH'] hadoop_path = os.path.join(os.environ['HADOOP_PREFIX'], 'bin', 'hadoop') hadoop_classpath = subprocess.check_output([hadoop_path, 'classpath', '--glob']).decode() logger.debug("CLASSPATH: {0}".format(hadoop_classpath)) os.environ['CLASSPATH'] = classpath + os.pathsep + hadoop_classpath # start TensorBoard if requested, on 'worker:0' if available (for backwards-compatibility), otherwise on 'chief:0' or 'master:0' job_names = sorted([k for k in cluster_template.keys() if k in ['chief', 'master', 'worker']]) tb_job_name = 'worker' if 'worker' in job_names else job_names[0] tb_pid = 0 tb_port = 0 if tensorboard and job_name == tb_job_name and task_index == 0: if 'TENSORBOARD_PORT' in os.environ: # use port defined in env var tb_port = int(os.environ['TENSORBOARD_PORT']) else: # otherwise, find a free port tb_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) tb_sock.bind(('', 0)) tb_port = tb_sock.getsockname()[1] tb_sock.close() logdir = log_dir if log_dir else "tensorboard_%d" % executor_id # search for tensorboard in python/bin, PATH, and PYTHONPATH pypath = sys.executable pydir = os.path.dirname(pypath) sys_path = os.pathsep.join(sys.path) search_path = os.pathsep.join([pydir, sys_path, os.environ['PATH'], os.environ['PYTHONPATH']]) tb_path = util.find_in_path(search_path, 'tensorboard') # executable in PATH if not tb_path: tb_path = util.find_in_path(search_path, 'tensorboard/') # TF 1.3+ if not tb_path: tb_path = util.find_in_path(search_path, 'tensorflow/tensorboard/') # TF 1.2- if not tb_path: raise Exception("Unable to find 'tensorboard' in: {}".format(search_path)) # launch tensorboard if version.parse(TF_VERSION) >= version.parse('2.0.0'): tb_proc = subprocess.Popen([pypath, tb_path, "--reload_multifile=True", "--logdir=%s" % logdir, "--port=%d" % tb_port], env=os.environ) else: tb_proc = subprocess.Popen([pypath, tb_path, "--logdir=%s" % logdir, "--port=%d" % tb_port], env=os.environ) tb_pid = # check server to see if this task is being retried (i.e. already reserved) client = reservation.Client(cluster_meta['server_addr']) cluster_info = client.get_reservations() tmp_sock = None node_meta = None for node in cluster_info: (nhost, nexec) = (node['host'], node['executor_id']) if nhost == host and nexec == executor_id: node_meta = node port = node['port'] # if not already done, register everything we need to set up the cluster if node_meta is None: if 'TENSORFLOW_PORT' in os.environ: # use port defined in env var port = int(os.environ['TENSORFLOW_PORT']) else: # otherwise, find a free port tmp_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) tmp_sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) tmp_sock.bind(('', port)) port = tmp_sock.getsockname()[1] node_meta = { 'executor_id': executor_id, 'host': host, 'job_name': job_name, 'task_index': task_index, 'port': port, 'tb_pid': tb_pid, 'tb_port': tb_port, 'addr': addr, 'authkey': authkey } # register node metadata with server"TFSparkNode.reserve: {0}".format(node_meta)) client.register(node_meta) # wait for other nodes to finish reservations cluster_info = client.await_reservations() client.close() # construct a TensorFlow clusterspec from cluster_info sorted_cluster_info = sorted(cluster_info, key=lambda k: k['executor_id']) cluster_spec = _get_cluster_spec(sorted_cluster_info) # update TF_CONFIG if cluster spec has a 'master' node (i.e. tf.estimator) if 'master' in cluster_spec or 'chief' in cluster_spec: tf_config = json.dumps({ 'cluster': cluster_spec, 'task': {'type': job_name, 'index': task_index}, 'environment': 'cloud' })"export TF_CONFIG: {}".format(tf_config)) os.environ['TF_CONFIG'] = tf_config # reserve GPU(s) again, just before launching TF process (in case situation has changed) # and setup CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES accordingly _get_gpus(cluster_spec=cluster_spec) # create a context object to hold metadata for TF ctx = TFNodeContext(executor_id, job_name, task_index, cluster_spec, cluster_meta['default_fs'], cluster_meta['working_dir'], TFSparkNode.mgr, tmp_sock if not cluster_meta.get('release_port', True) else None) # release port reserved for TF as late as possible if tmp_sock is not None: if cluster_meta.get('release_port', True): tmp_sock.close() else: logger.warning("User code must invoke ctx.release_port() prior to starting TF GRPC server") # Background mode relies reuse of python worker in Spark. if background: # However, reuse of python worker can't work on Windows, we need to check if the current # script runs on Windows or not. if == 'nt' or platform.system() == 'Windows': raise Exception("Background mode is not supported on Windows.") # Check if the config of reuse python worker is enabled on Spark. if not os.environ.get("SPARK_REUSE_WORKER"): raise Exception("Background mode relies reuse of python worker on Spark. This config 'spark.python.worker.reuse' is not enabled on Spark. Please enable it before using background.") def wrapper_fn(args, context): """Wrapper function that sets the sys.argv of the executor.""" if isinstance(args, list): sys.argv = args fn(args, context) def wrapper_fn_background(args, context): """Wrapper function that signals exceptions to foreground process.""" errq = TFSparkNode.mgr.get_queue('error') try: wrapper_fn(args, context) except Exception: errq.put(traceback.format_exc()) if job_name in ('ps', 'evaluator') or background: # invoke the TensorFlow main function in a background thread"Starting TensorFlow {0}:{1} as {2} on cluster node {3} on background process".format( job_name, task_index, job_name, executor_id)) p = multiprocessing.Process(target=wrapper_fn_background, args=(tf_args, ctx)) if job_name in ('ps', 'evaluator'): p.daemon = True p.start() # for ps and evaluator nodes, wait indefinitely in foreground thread for a "control" event (None == "stop") if job_name in ('ps', 'evaluator'): queue = TFSparkNode.mgr.get_queue('control') equeue = TFSparkNode.mgr.get_queue('error') done = False while not done: while (queue.empty() and equeue.empty()): time.sleep(1) if (not equeue.empty()): e_str = equeue.get() raise Exception("Exception in " + job_name + ":\n" + e_str) msg = queue.get(block=True)"Got msg: {0}".format(msg)) if msg is None:"Terminating {}".format(job_name)) TFSparkNode.mgr.set('state', 'stopped') done = True queue.task_done() else: # otherwise, just run TF function in the main executor/worker thread"Starting TensorFlow {0}:{1} on cluster node {2} on foreground thread".format(job_name, task_index, executor_id)) wrapper_fn(tf_args, ctx)"Finished TensorFlow {0}:{1} on cluster node {2}".format(job_name, task_index, executor_id)) return _mapfn
[docs]def train(cluster_info, cluster_meta, feed_timeout=600, qname='input'): """Feeds Spark partitions into the shared multiprocessing.Queue. Args: :cluster_info: node reservation information for the cluster (e.g. host, executor_id, pid, ports, etc) :cluster_meta: dictionary of cluster metadata (e.g. cluster_id, reservation.Server address, etc) :feed_timeout: number of seconds after which data feeding times out (600 sec default) :qname: *INTERNAL_USE* Returns: A dataRDD.mapPartitions() function """ def _train(iter): # get shared queue, reconnecting if necessary mgr = _get_manager(cluster_info, util.get_ip_address(), util.read_executor_id()) try: queue = mgr.get_queue(qname) equeue = mgr.get_queue('error') except (AttributeError, KeyError): msg = "Queue '{}' not found on this node, check for exceptions on other nodes.".format(qname) raise Exception(msg) state = str(mgr.get('state'))"mgr.state={0}".format(state)) terminating = state == "'terminating'" if terminating:"mgr is terminating, skipping partition") count = sum(1 for item in iter)"Skipped {0} items from partition".format(count)) else:"Feeding partition {0} into {1} queue {2}".format(iter, qname, queue)) count = 0 for item in iter: count += 1 queue.put(item, block=True) # wait for consumers to finish processing all items in queue before "finishing" this iterator joinThr = Thread(target=queue.join) joinThr.start() timeout = feed_timeout while (joinThr.is_alive()): if (not equeue.empty()): e_str = equeue.get() raise Exception("Exception in worker:\n" + e_str) time.sleep(1) timeout -= 1 if timeout <= 0: raise Exception("Timeout while feeding partition")"Processed {0} items in partition".format(count)) # check if TF is terminating feed after this partition if not terminating: state = str(mgr.get('state')) terminating = state == "'terminating'" if terminating: try:"TFSparkNode: requesting stop") client = reservation.Client(cluster_meta['server_addr']) client.request_stop() client.close() except Exception as e: # ignore any errors while requesting stop logger.debug("Error while requesting stop: {0}".format(e)) return [terminating] return _train
[docs]def inference(cluster_info, feed_timeout=600, qname='input'): """Feeds Spark partitions into the shared multiprocessing.Queue and returns inference results. Args: :cluster_info: node reservation information for the cluster (e.g. host, executor_id, pid, ports, etc) :feed_timeout: number of seconds after which data feeding times out (600 sec default) :qname: *INTERNAL_USE* Returns: A dataRDD.mapPartitions() function """ def _inference(iter): # get shared queue, reconnecting if necessary mgr = _get_manager(cluster_info, util.get_ip_address(), util.read_executor_id()) try: queue_in = mgr.get_queue(qname) equeue = mgr.get_queue('error') except (AttributeError, KeyError): msg = "Queue '{}' not found on this node, check for exceptions on other nodes.".format(qname) raise Exception(msg)"Feeding partition {0} into {1} queue {2}".format(iter, qname, queue_in)) count = 0 for item in iter: count += 1 queue_in.put(item, block=True) # signal "end of partition" queue_in.put(marker.EndPartition()) # skip empty partitions if count == 0: return [] # wait for consumers to finish processing all items in queue before "finishing" this iterator joinThr = Thread(target=queue_in.join) joinThr.start() timeout = feed_timeout while (joinThr.is_alive()): if (not equeue.empty()): e_str = equeue.get() raise Exception("Exception in worker:\n" + e_str) time.sleep(1) timeout -= 1 if timeout <= 0: raise Exception("Timeout while feeding partition")"Processed {0} items in partition".format(count)) # read result queue results = [] queue_out = mgr.get_queue('output') while count > 0: result = queue_out.get(block=True) results.append(result) count -= 1 queue_out.task_done()"Finished processing partition") return results return _inference
[docs]def shutdown(cluster_info, grace_secs=0, queues=['input']): """Stops all TensorFlow nodes by feeding ``None`` into the multiprocessing.Queues. Args: :cluster_info: node reservation information for the cluster (e.g. host, executor_id, pid, ports, etc). :queues: *INTERNAL_USE* Returns: A nodeRDD.mapPartitions() function """ def _shutdown(iter): host = util.get_ip_address() executor_id = util.read_executor_id() # reconnect to shared queue mgr = _get_manager(cluster_info, host, executor_id) # send SIGTERM to Tensorboard proc (if running) for node in cluster_info: if node['host'] == host and node['executor_id'] == executor_id: tb_pid = node['tb_pid'] if tb_pid != 0:"Stopping tensorboard (pid={0})".format(tb_pid)) subprocess.Popen(["kill", str(tb_pid)]) # terminate any listening queues"Stopping all queues") for q in queues: if q != 'error': try: queue = mgr.get_queue(q)"Feeding None into {0} queue".format(q)) queue.put(None, block=True) except (AttributeError, KeyError): msg = "Queue '{}' not found on this node, check for exceptions on other nodes.".format(q) raise Exception(msg) # wait for grace period (after terminating feed queues) if grace_secs > 0:"Waiting for {} second grace period".format(grace_secs)) time.sleep(grace_secs) # then check for any late exceptions equeue = mgr.get_queue('error') if (not equeue.empty()): # note: "peek" this queue, since otherwise Spark might retry this "failed" task, find no errors in queue, and finish the job with SUCCESS e_str = equeue.get() equeue.put(e_str) raise Exception("Exception in worker:\n" + e_str)"Setting mgr.state to 'stopped'") mgr.set('state', 'stopped') return [True] return _shutdown