Source code for tensorflowonspark.dfutil

# Copyright 2017 Yahoo Inc.
# Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license.
# Please see LICENSE file in the project root for terms.
"""A collection of utility functions for loading/saving TensorFlow TFRecords files as Spark DataFrames."""

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import nested_scopes
from __future__ import print_function

import tensorflow as tf
from pyspark.sql import Row
from pyspark.sql.types import ArrayType, BinaryType, DoubleType, LongType, StringType, StructField, StructType

loadedDF = {}       # Stores origin paths of loaded DataFrames (df => path)

[docs]def isLoadedDF(df): """Returns True if the input DataFrame was produced by the loadTFRecords() method. This is primarily used by the Spark ML Pipelines APIs. Args: :df: Spark Dataframe """ return df in loadedDF
[docs]def saveAsTFRecords(df, output_dir): """Save a Spark DataFrame as TFRecords. This will convert the DataFrame rows to TFRecords prior to saving. Args: :df: Spark DataFrame :output_dir: Path to save TFRecords """ tf_rdd = df.rdd.mapPartitions(toTFExample(df.dtypes)) tf_rdd.saveAsNewAPIHadoopFile(output_dir, "", keyClass="", valueClass="")
[docs]def loadTFRecords(sc, input_dir, binary_features=[]): """Load TFRecords from disk into a Spark DataFrame. This will attempt to automatically convert the tf.train.Example features into Spark DataFrame columns of equivalent types. Note: TensorFlow represents both strings and binary types as tf.train.BytesList, and we need to disambiguate these types for Spark DataFrames DTypes (StringType and BinaryType), so we require a "hint" from the caller in the ``binary_features`` argument. Args: :sc: SparkContext :input_dir: location of TFRecords on disk. :binary_features: a list of tf.train.Example features which are expected to be binary/bytearrays. Returns: A Spark DataFrame mirroring the tf.train.Example schema. """ import tensorflow as tf tfr_rdd = sc.newAPIHadoopFile(input_dir, "", keyClass="", valueClass="") # infer Spark SQL types from tf.Example record = tfr_rdd.take(1)[0] example = tf.train.Example() example.ParseFromString(bytes(record[0])) schema = infer_schema(example, binary_features) # convert serialized protobuf to tf.Example to Row example_rdd = tfr_rdd.mapPartitions(lambda x: fromTFExample(x, binary_features)) # create a Spark DataFrame from RDD[Row] df = example_rdd.toDF(schema) # save reference of this dataframe loadedDF[df] = input_dir return df
[docs]def toTFExample(dtypes): """mapPartition function to convert a Spark RDD of Row into an RDD of serialized tf.train.Example bytestring. Note that tf.train.Example is a fairly flat structure with limited datatypes, e.g. tf.train.FloatList, tf.train.Int64List, and tf.train.BytesList, so most DataFrame types will be coerced into one of these types. Args: :dtypes: the DataFrame.dtypes of the source DataFrame. Returns: A mapPartition function which converts the source DataFrame into tf.train.Example bytestrings. """ def _toTFExample(iter): # supported type mappings between DataFrame.dtypes and tf.train.Feature types float_dtypes = ['float', 'double'] int64_dtypes = ['boolean', 'tinyint', 'smallint', 'int', 'bigint', 'long'] bytes_dtypes = ['binary', 'string'] float_list_dtypes = ['array<float>', 'array<double>'] int64_list_dtypes = ['array<boolean>', 'array<tinyint>', 'array<smallint>', 'array<int>', 'array<bigint>', 'array<long>'] def _toTFFeature(name, dtype, row): feature = None if dtype in float_dtypes: feature = (name, tf.train.Feature(float_list=tf.train.FloatList(value=[row[name]]))) elif dtype in int64_dtypes: feature = (name, tf.train.Feature(int64_list=tf.train.Int64List(value=[row[name]]))) elif dtype in bytes_dtypes: if dtype == 'binary': feature = (name, tf.train.Feature(bytes_list=tf.train.BytesList(value=[bytes(row[name])]))) else: feature = (name, tf.train.Feature(bytes_list=tf.train.BytesList(value=[str(row[name]).encode('utf-8')]))) elif dtype in float_list_dtypes: feature = (name, tf.train.Feature(float_list=tf.train.FloatList(value=row[name]))) elif dtype in int64_list_dtypes: feature = (name, tf.train.Feature(int64_list=tf.train.Int64List(value=row[name]))) else: raise Exception("Unsupported dtype: {0}".format(dtype)) return feature results = [] for row in iter: features = dict([_toTFFeature(name, dtype, row) for name, dtype in dtypes]) example = tf.train.Example(features=tf.train.Features(feature=features)) results.append((bytearray(example.SerializeToString()), None)) return results return _toTFExample
[docs]def infer_schema(example, binary_features=[]): """Given a tf.train.Example, infer the Spark DataFrame schema (StructFields). Note: TensorFlow represents both strings and binary types as tf.train.BytesList, and we need to disambiguate these types for Spark DataFrames DTypes (StringType and BinaryType), so we require a "hint" from the caller in the ``binary_features`` argument. Args: :example: a tf.train.Example :binary_features: a list of tf.train.Example features which are expected to be binary/bytearrays. Returns: A DataFrame StructType schema """ def _infer_sql_type(k, v): # special handling for binary features if k in binary_features: return BinaryType() if v.int64_list.value: result = v.int64_list.value sql_type = LongType() elif v.float_list.value: result = v.float_list.value sql_type = DoubleType() else: result = v.bytes_list.value sql_type = StringType() if len(result) > 1: # represent multi-item tensors as Spark SQL ArrayType() of base types return ArrayType(sql_type) else: # represent everything else as base types (and empty tensors as StringType()) return sql_type return StructType([StructField(k, _infer_sql_type(k, v), True) for k, v in sorted(example.features.feature.items())])
[docs]def fromTFExample(iter, binary_features=[]): """mapPartition function to convert an RDD of serialized tf.train.Example bytestring into an RDD of Row. Note: TensorFlow represents both strings and binary types as tf.train.BytesList, and we need to disambiguate these types for Spark DataFrames DTypes (StringType and BinaryType), so we require a "hint" from the caller in the ``binary_features`` argument. Args: :iter: the RDD partition iterator :binary_features: a list of tf.train.Example features which are expected to be binary/bytearrays. Returns: An array/iterator of DataFrame Row with features converted into columns. """ # convert from protobuf-like dict to DataFrame-friendly dict def _get_value(k, v): if v.int64_list.value: result = v.int64_list.value elif v.float_list.value: result = v.float_list.value else: # string or bytearray if k in binary_features: return bytearray(v.bytes_list.value[0]) else: return v.bytes_list.value[0].decode('utf-8') if len(result) > 1: # represent multi-item tensors as python lists return list(result) elif len(result) == 1: # extract scalars from single-item tensors return result[0] else: # represent empty tensors as python None return None results = [] for record in iter: example = tf.train.Example() example.ParseFromString(bytes(record[0])) # record is (bytestr, None) d = {k: _get_value(k, v) for k, v in sorted(example.features.feature.items())} row = Row(**d) results.append(row) return results