
Serviceping provides a command line interface that operates like the ping command but instead of using icmp packets to check for a response from a host. It can perform a tcp network connection to a port on a host or a http or https get request to check a url on a host.

Since tcp and http requests require multiple operations. Each request performs all of the operations end to end for each request. The serviceping command adds a -d flag that will show timings for the different stages the ping request.

The serviceping command line usage information"

usage: serviceping [-h] [-c COUNT] [-i INTERVAL] [-W TIMEOUT] [-d] destination [destination ...]
positional arguments:
  destination Destination host or URL

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  -c COUNT     Number of pings to send
  -i INTERVAL  Ping interval
  -d           Show timings for the entire connection
  -W TIMEOUT   Time to wait for a response, in seconds. The option affects only timeout in absence of any responses