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The pyproject.toml config file

The screwdrivercd_install_deps utility is used to define global package build dependencies for multiple packaging systems in a single configuration file.


This utility provides a single place to configure global/operating system dependencies and simplifies creating CI/CD Pipelines that install and build the same package for multiple different operating system environments in a coherent manner.


The screwdrivercd_install_deps utility is configured using the pyproject.toml file.

The pyproject.toml file is a toml format configuration file, that is defined as part of Python PEP518 to hold the python package build dependencies.

All of the configuration for the screwdrivercd.installdeps package are under the is under the tool.sdv4_installdeps section which contains the configuration values for the tool as a whole and subsections that define the configuration to use for each package type.

pyproject.toml tool.sdv4_installdeps configuration

The tool.sdv4_installdeps configuration section defines settings that configure how the utility functions.


Boolean (True/False) value indicating if the installer should immediately fail if a package installation fails.

The default value is False

    fail_on_error = true


The install configuration setting is an ordered list of the package utilities to run. Optional

If not provided, a default that will run all the package utilities, ordered to execute the system package utilities, followed by the global python pip3 installed packages.

    install = ['apk', 'apt-get', 'brew', 'yum', 'pip3']

Package section

Each package tool has a setting section under the tool.sdv4_installdeps section of the pyproject.toml.

Common Package settings

All the package tools have some settings that are common among them, so the same settings have the same format irregardless of the package utility they are defined under.


The deps setting is a list of package dependencies in a format based on the Python PEP 508 Package dependency specification.

The specification used by the screwdrivercd.installdeps package adds environment markers which contain values from the distro package to allow specifying requirements based on attributes of the Operating System distribution.

The environment markers that are supported, are:

Marker Python equivalent Sample values
distro_codename distro.codename() Maipo, bionic
distro_id rhel, ubuntu, darwin
distro_like fedora, debian
distro_name Darwin, Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server, Ubuntu
distro_version distro.version() 7.4, 18.04, 18.6.0
implementation_name cpython
implementation_version 3.4.0, 3.5.0b1
os_name posix, java
platform_machine platform.machine() x86_64
platform_python_implementation platform.python_implementation() CPython, Jython
platform_release platform.release() 3.14.1-x86_64-linode39, 14.5.0, 1.8.0_51
platform_system platform.system() Linux, Windows, Java
platform_version platform.version() #1 SMP Fri Apr 25 13:07:35 EDT 2014 Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, 25.51-b03, Oracle Corporation Darwin Kernel Version 14.5.0: Wed Jul 29 02:18:53 PDT 2015; root:xnu-2782.40.9~2/RELEASE_X86_64
python_version '.'.join(platform.python_version_tuple()[:2]) 3.4, 2.7
python_full_version platform.python_version() 3.4.0, 3.5.0b1
sys_platform sys.platform linux, linux2, darwin, java1.8.0_51 (note that "linux" is from Python3 and "linux2" from Python2)

For example, the snippet below will use the yum tool to install the foo_python36 package from the foo python rpm repo if the Operating System version is less than 8.0 and install the python3 package if the operating system is version 8.0 or higher.

[tool.sdv4_installdeps.yum] = ';distro_version<"8.0"'
deps = [

repos (Optional)

Some package utilities have the concept of package repositories. The repos setting is a dictionary of repository name and values for repositories to add.

This setting is only valid for the package utilities that have this concept. The repo setting can be used to define package repositories to add to the host configuration before installing the package dependencies.

Like the deps setting, this setting supports using environment markers to specify environments to add the repositories too.

For example, this snippet would add the foo yum/rpm repository before installing the packages in Operating system versions lower than 8.0.

repos.foo_rpms = ';distro_version<"8.0"'

apk settings

The apk utility does not support repositories.

    deps = ['python3']

apt-get settings

The apt-get tool supports both the deps and repos settings

    repos.multiverse = 'multiverse'
    repos.ppa_deadsnakes = 'ppa:deadsnakes/ppa;distro_version>"17.04"'
    deps = ['python3']

repos apt-get specific values

The apt-get repos support adding/enabling built in repos, as well as ppa and repository urls.

brew settings

The brew utility does not currently support repositories.

    deps = ['python3']

yum settings

The yum tools supports both repos and deps settings.

    repos.foo_rpms = ''
    deps = [

repos yum specific values

The yum repos values are executed in order, so it is possible to add a repository url, then enable/disable specific repositories that where added.

The yum utility configuration supports enabling/disabling repos in addition to being able to add/remove them.

A repo configuration value that begins with enable: will enable the repository instead of adding it.

A repo configuraiton value that begins with disable will disable the repository instead of adding it.

repos.foo_rpms = ''
repos.foo_rpms_disable_stable = 'disable:foo_rpms-stable'
repos.foo_rpms_enable_beta = 'enable:foo_rpms-beta'

pip3 settings

The pip3 tool supports using the python pip3 command to install python packages for global, system wide use. It does not currently support repos.

    deps = ['serviceping']

Environment Settings

Some settings for scrwedrivercd_install_deps command are specified via environment variables.

The following settings are supported:

Setting Default Value Description
INSTALLDEPS_DEBUG False Enable verbose debug output


Here is an example that installs the mysql client package and installs the python serviceping package properly on multiple different Linux operating systems.

    install = ['apk', 'apt-get', 'yum', 'pip3']

        deps = ['mysql-client']

        deps = ['mysql-client']

        deps = ['mysql-utilities']

        deps = [

        deps = ['serviceping']