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Changelog Generator

The screwdrivercd_changelog utility is used to produce useful, summarized news files for your project.

This utility reads "news fragements" which contain information useful to end users. It does not contain developer focused information which is contained in the git commit history.

The news fragements support Markdown style text formatting.

This changelog functionality is intentionally similar in function to the the popular towncrier changelog utility.


This utility is designed to simplify the process of generating changelog documents, which document changes for the end users. This allows the git commit history to be used to document the developer focused changes.


This utility scans the git release history for release tags and associates the files in the changelog fragement directory with the release they where added. It then generates a changelog document with each release as the title and the content of each of the changelog documents added in that release as items.


The follow environment variables can be used to tune the behavior of the utility.

Setting Default Value Description
CHANGELOG_DIR changelog.d Directory containing the changelog news fragements
CHANGELOG_FILENAME $SD_ARTIFACTS_DIR/reports/changelog/ Name of the changelog file
CHANGELOG_NAME Python package name or Unknown if no package The Package/Project name for the changelog
CHANGELOG_ONLY_VERSION_TAGS True Only consider tags that begin with the letter 'v' to be release tags
CHANGELOG_RELEASES all Release to generate in the changelog or "all" to have the log have all releases

Changelog header

A markdown format changelog header can be defined in a file named in the changelog directory.

Changelog Fragement Files

Changelog fragments are Markdown format files in the changelog directory.

These file are named in the following format:


issuenum - Is the issue number for the change, this can be any valid string that does not contain a period.

changetype - Is the type of change, it can be one of the following:

  • feature - A new feature
  • bugfix - The change fixes a bug
  • doc - The change is an improvement to the documentation
  • removal - The changed involved removing code or features
  • misc - Other kinds of changes


Write a changelog for the current git repository to a file named docs/


$ export CHANGELOG_FILENAME="docs/"
$  screwdrivercd_changelog


Python screwdrivercd helpers changes

screwdrivercd v0.1.159685 (2019-11-26)


  • Add support for changelogs (#46), this adds a new command screwdrivercd_changelog that will generate a changelog based on changelog fragments in the changelog directory. This command uses the git history to determine the release the changelog fragment was added in. This changelog is written to the $SD_ARTIFACTS_DIR/report/changelog directory.